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4 or more "silver" fillings
A "metallic" taste in mouth
Abdominal cramps or intestinal/stomach pain
Acid reflux
Alternating constipation and diarrhea
Anal itching
Anemia or low ferritin
Anger, irritability or aggressiveness
Anxiety, fear or nervousness
Apathy, lethargy
Asthma, bronchitis
Autoimmune condition
B12 deficiency
Bad breath
Bags or dark circles under eyes
Belching or passing gas
Binge eating/drinking
Bladder: interstitial cystitis (chronic bladder pain)
Bladder: irritable bladder or bladder dysfunction
Bloating within 1 hour after meals
Blurred or tunnel vision (does not apply to people who need glasses/contacts)
Brain fog: difficulty with concentration, focus or reading
Brittle nails
Brown spots or "Age Spots"
Burping after meals
Candida-Related Complex (CRC) or yeast infections
Canker sores
Change in bowel function (constipation or diarrhea)
Chest congestion
Chest pain or rib soreness
Chronic Cough
Chronic fungal infections (jock itch, vaginal yeast infections, dry scaly patches on my skin)
Chronic infections
Compulsive eating
Confusion, difficulty thinking, poor comprehension
Constipation (fewer than 2 bowel movements per day)
Craving certain foods
Depression or poor mood

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Diagnosed Celiac disease, off gluten but still have gut symptoms
Difficulty in making decisions
Difficult breathing
Difficult staying asleep
Difficulty falling asleep at night
Difficulty in walking (ataxia)
Difficulty losing weight
Difficulty tolerating meat
Difficulty with speech or writing
Digestion symptoms improve while on antibiotics (even for unrelated issues)
Disorientation: getting lost; going to wrong places
Disturbed sleep: too much, too little, early awakening
Do you consume caffeine after 1pm? (includes chocolate, iced tea, hot chocolate, etc.)
Do you consume more than 3 caffeinated beverages per day?
Do you drink more than 2 alcoholic beverages in the evening?
Do you easily catch colds, flu, infectious diseases
Do you find that you do not stay asleep after drinking alcoholic beverages?
Do you often wake up at the same time(s) during the night?
Do you rely on an alarm to wake up?
Do you rely on medications (OTC or RX) in order to get a better night's sleep?
Do you require absolute silence in order to fall/stay asleep?
Do you sleep more than 9 hours per night?
Do you wake up easily? (i.e., are you noise-sensitive)
Do you wake up feeling fatigued?
Do you find it easier to fall asleep after drinking alcoholic beverages?
Drainage from ear
Dry hair
Dry skin
Earaches, ear infections
Ears/hearing: buzzing, ringing, ear pain
Easy to gain weight
Eating makes me calm
Eczema: I have dry, itchy, scaling, or flaking skin
Elevated eosinophils on lab test
Enlarged or inflamed prostate
Ever worked as a dentist, dental hygienist, or dental assistant
Exaggerated symptoms or worse hangover from alcohol
Excess stress
Excessive mucus formation
Excessive sweating
Eyes/vision: double, blurry

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Family history of asthma
Family history of autism
Family member diagnosed with H Pylori
Family or personal history of diabetes
Family or personal history of erectile dysfunction
Family or personal history of fibrocystic breasts
Family or personal history of heart disease or heart failure
Family or personal history of high blood pressure
Family or personal history of high LDL cholesterol, low HDL levels, and high triglycerides
Family or personal history of inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease)
Family or personal history of kidney or liver disease
Family or personal history of kidney stones
Family or personal history of mitral valve prolapse
Family or personal history of polycystic ovarian syndrome or am infertile
Family or personal history of rheumatoid arthritis
Family or personal history of Type 2 diabetes (what used to be known as adult-onset diabetes)
Fatigue, tiredness
Feel colder than the average person
Feeling full soon after eating
Feeling sick all over without an apparent cause
Fibromyalgia symptoms
Flushing or hot flashes
Food allergies, hay fever, or skin rashes
Food allergies, intolerance, sensitivities or reactions
Forgetfulness, poor short term memory
Foul smelling gas/wind
Foul smelling stools
Frequent colds or respiratory infections
Frequent headaches or migraines
Frequent kidney infections or kidney problems
Frequent or urgent urination
Fructose intolerance
Gagging, frequent need to clear throat
Genital itch or discharge
Geographic tongue or fissured tongue
Gingivitis or sore gums
Gluten intolerance
Hair loss
Have been to multiple doctors only to hear that "There is nothing wrong"
Have had gut problems since a bout of gastritis (food poisoning)
Have you ever had an ulcer?
Have you taken antacids, proton pump inhibitors or other medications for heartburn
Hay fever

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Heart flutters, skipped beats, or palpitations
Heart irregularities or rapid pulse (tachycardia)
Heart palpitations, pulse skips, heart block
High cholesterol
History of a heart murmur or valve prolapse
History of Epstein Barr Virus/Mono
History of food poisoning or gastroenteritis
History of repeated and prolonged courses of antibacterial drugs
History of using the oral contraceptive pill
Hives, rashes or dry skin
Hormone disturbances, PMS, menstrual irregularities, sexual dysfunction, sugar craving, low body temperature or fatigue
Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
I am a perfectionist and hold myself to high standards
I am of North Atlantic genetic background: Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Scandinavian, or coastal Native American
I am often moody, impatient, or anxious
I am over age 65
I am sensitive to alcohol
I am sensitive to chlorine and bromine
I am sensitive to chocolate
I am sensitive to household cleaning products
I am sensitive to MSG
I am sensitive to new clothes, dressing rooms, and fabric stores
I am sensitive to strong odors
I am sensitive to perfumes
I am sensitive to room spray and candles
I am sensitive to soaps, detergents, or dryer sheets
I am sensitive to sulphites (wine, dried fruit)
I am sensitive to tobacco smoke
I am thirsty most of the time
I anger easily
I consume hard water (which depletes zinc)
I consume more than 3 alcoholic beverages per week
I crave alcohol, sugar or bread
I crave salt
I crave sweets and eat them, and though I get a temporary boost of energy and mood, I later crash
I crave sweets
I did not grow up in a happy family environment
I don't feel supported emotionally by my spouse/partner
I don't feel understood or loved
I don't get adequate sleep
I don't have a creative outlet such as painting, writing, gardening, etc
I don't have friends I can laugh with and confide in

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I don't have fulfilling sex life
I don't have a healthy relationship with my parents and/or siblings
I don't a have spiritual practice
I don't have time to play
I don't love my vocation or feel very stressed at work
I don't eat fermented foods
I don't floss
I don't tolerate exercise well and feel completely exhausted after
I drink >1 serving of fruit juice per day
I drink more than 8 oz. of alcohol daily
I drink more than one cup of coffee daily
I drink tap water
I drink unfiltered well water
I drink water from or cook in plastic containers
I eat >20 grams of sugar per day (including fruit, fruit juices)
I eat a high carbohydrate diet
I eat a low fat diet
I eat a low-fat diet but can't seem to lose weight
I eat at restaurants regularly
I eat dairy
I eat fewer than 6 servings of vegetables per day
I eat gluten
I eat grains
I eat processed and packaged foods
I eat seafood multiple times per week
I eat soy
I eat sushi or undercooked meat
I experience fatigue that is not caused by obvious reasons such as staying up late or strenuous exercise
I feel aching or stiffness in my joints
I feel dizzy when I stand up
I feel fatigued after eating
I feel frustrated a lot
I feel guilty a lot
I feel nauseated after taking supplements
I feel shaky two to three hours after a meal
I feel shame a lot
I feel stressed most of the time
I feel tired but wired
I feel weak and shaky
I find food that is not fully digested in my stool
I get a lot of buildup on my teeth
I get heart palpitations after eating sweets
I get irritable, anxious, tired, and jittery, or get headaches intermittently throughout the day, but feel better temporarily after meals
I get night sweats

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I get panic attacks in the afternoon if I skip breakfast
I get the flu vaccine
I get tired a few hours after eating
I go for the bread basket at restaurants
I had a mystery illness and never felt the same after
I have a bloated or full feeling, and/or belching, burning, or flatulence right after meals
I have a family history of diabetes, hypoglycemia, or alcoholism
I have a hard time speaking my truth
I have a history of eating a high sugar/high carbohydrate diet
I have a low intake of dulse (seaweed), fresh ginger root, egg yolks, fish, kelp, lamb, legumes, and pumpkin seeds
I have a white/yellowish coating on my tongue
I have an intolerance to carbohydrates (eating bread or other sugars causes bloating)
I have anal itching
I have been diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
I have bleeding gums or gingivitis
I have chicken skin (tiny bumps on the backs of arms or on the trunk)
I have chronic yeast or fungal infections
I have dark circles under my eyes
I have a difficult time keeping my commitments
I have gone through chemotherapy
I have greasy, large, poorly formed, or foul-smelling stools (steatorrhea)
I have had a liver condition
I have had a major chemical exposure
I have had numerous cavities
I have hard earwax
I have impacted teeth
I have incomplete bowel movements
I have infected teeth
I have light-colored, hard, or foul-smelling stools
I have mold in my home
I have my clothes dry cleaned
I have my living space treated for pests
I have never had a nutritional consult
I have non-restorative sleep (don't feel reenergized)
I have not had a dental cleaning for >6 months
I have not had dental X-rays since for over a year
I have or have had cancer
I have panic attacks or am easily startled
I have plaque on my teeth
I have poor mood, difficulty paying attention, and/or memory loss
I have poor tolerance to alcohol, caffeine, and other drugs
I have root canals
I have significant financial stress
I have silver amalgam fillings

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I have sleep problems (either falling asleep or staying asleep)
I have sores on my tongue
I have sweaty palms and feet when nervous
I have taken antibiotics for two weeks or longer recently or in the past
I have taken prednisone or other steroid drugs for two weeks or longer
I have tooth pain
I have trouble concentrating
I have undigested food in my stool
I have unfinished business
I live in a city or a large urban area
I live a in space with poor ventilation or windows that do not open
I need to start the day with caffeine
I never or rarely sweat
I often feel gassy and bloated after eating
I often feel nauseous after eating
I often have a spacey feeling after eating
I over commit and find it difficult to say "No"
I produced low-volume, dark, or strong-smelling urine
I rarely feel grateful
I recently moved or changed careers
I regularly take over-the counter medications, such as Tylenol, cold medications, allergy medications, etc
I regularly use antacids
I retain water
I seem salt sensitive (I tend to retain water)
I sweat excessively
I take anti acids such as Maalox, Mylanta, Gelusil, Rolaids or Tums regularly
I take over-the-counter painkillers regularly
I take proton pump inhibitors (Prevacid, Prilosec, Nexium, Omeprazole)
I take Tagamet, Pepcid, Axid, or Zantac regularly
I tend to be martyr-I have a difficult time asking for help
I tend to feel sick in moldy or damp places
I use diuretics (water pills)
I use fluoridated toothpaste
I use pesticides and garden chemicals
I work far from home and deal with traffic everyday
I worry a lot
I'm frequently constipated, have hard, difficult-to-pass bowel movements, or only go every other day or so
I'm prone to acne and breakouts
I'm a vegan
I'm a vegetarian
I've never done an elimination diet
I've never had food sensitivity testing
If I eat a carbohydrate breakfast (muffin, bagel, cereal, pancakes, etc.), I can't seem to control my eating for the rest of the day

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If I eat fish or meat and vegetables, I feel good, but seem to get sleepy or feel "drugged" after eating a meal full of pasta, bread, potatoes, and dessert
If I miss a meal, I feel cranky and irritable, weak, or tired
Impaired smell
Impaired taste
Increased motion sickness, vertigo
Frequent illness
Irregular menstrual cycles
Irregular or skipped heartbeat
Irritability or dramatic changes in behavior
Irritable bowel syndrome
Itchy ears
Itchy Skin
Joint pain or swelling
Joint/muscle aches
Lack of fulfilling, nurturing relationships
Lactose Intolerance
Learning disabilities
Leg or hand cramps
Light-headedness, poor balance, difficulty walking
Low basal body temperature (below 97.4 degrees F)
Low blood pressure
Low body temperature
Low grade fever
Low intake of kelp, wheat bran or germ, almonds, cashews, buckwheat, or dark-green leafy vegetables
Low levels of alkaline phosphatase
Low sex drive
Menstrual irregularities
Missing or thinning outer third of eyebrow
Mood swings, irritability or depression
Mucous in stools
Multiple chemical sensitivity (tobacco smoke, perfume, cologne, etc)
Muscle pain or cramps
Muscle twitching
My gums are inflamed
My gums bleed when I floss/brush my teeth
My gums seem to be more inflamed during a Hashimoto's flare
My hair thins in the places I don't want it to (my head) and it grows in the places it shouldn't (my face, nipples, arms, if I am a woman)
My home is cluttered and I find it difficult to manage my household duties
My memory and concentration are poor
My muscles are weak

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My wounds heal poorly
Nails: I have weak nails (thin, brittle, peeling)
Nails: I have white spots on my nails
Nausea or vomiting
Neck cracks or neck numbness
Need caffeine and/or other stimulants to get going
Need for digestive enzymes
Numbness or unexplained tingling in arms and legs
Numbness, burning in mouth and gums
Once I start eating sweets or carbohydrates, I can't seem to stop
Out of the last 30 days, I had 0-5 days where I felt that my physical health was not good
Out of the last 30 days, I had 13-20 days where I felt that my physical health was not good
Out of the last 30 days, I had 21-30 days where I felt that my physical health was not good
Out of the last 30 days, I had 6-12 days where I felt that my physical health was not good
Poor physical coordination
Poor sleep or insomnia
Prebiotics (such as fructooligosaccharides and inulin) in probiotic formulas make symptoms worse
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Prolonged courses of steroids like prednisone
Prolonged fullness after eating
Rapid or pounding heartbeat
Receding gums
Recent divorce
Recent loss of spouse/loved one
Recently lost a pet
Recurrent vaginal, prostate or urinary tract infections
Require noise to fall asleep? (television, radio, "white" noise)
Restless Leg Syndrome, especially at night
Ringing in ears (tinnitus)
Sensitivity to loud noises
Sexual dysfunction or loss of libido
Shortness of breath
Sinusitis, nasal congestion
Skin has a yellow tint
Skin rashes
Skin ulcers
Sleep less than 7 hours a night
Slurred speech
Sneezing attacks

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Sore throat, hoarseness, loss of voice
Stiffness of the neck or back
Stiffness or limitation of movement
Stuttering or stammering
Swollen lymph glands
Swollen, reddened or sticky eyelids
Swollen/discolored tongue, gum, lips
Symptoms triggered by foods
Tested positive for H Pylori
Testicular or pelvic pain
Thinning hair
Tingling, burning, or itchy skin
Tingling, numbness, burning, facial paralysis (Bell's palsy)
Tingling, numbness, burning, or stabbing sensations
TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint) problems
Trouble falling and/or staying asleep
Trouble swallowing
Trouble with concentration
Twitching of the face
Unexplained breast milk production; breast pain
Unexplained fevers, sweats, chills, or flushing
Unexplained weight change; loss or gain
Unhappy marriage/relationship
Unusual shakiness (tremors) of hands or arms
Upset stomach
Using antidepressants
Water retention
Watery or itchy eyes
White tongue (thrush)
Worked as a painter or for manufacturing/chemical pesticide/fungicide factories (fungicides with methyl mercury or in pulp/paper mills that used mercury)
Worsening of gut symptoms when using fiber products
Yeast infections
I experience migratory joint pain
I experience migratory muscle pain
I experience tingling/burning/numbness that migrates and/or comes and goes
I have a family member (or pet) who has been diagnosed with Lyme and/or tick-borne infections
I have had a positive Lyme test (IFA, ELISA, Western blot, PCR, and/or borrelia culture)
I have had a tick bite with no rash or flu-like symptoms
I have had a tick bite, an erythema migrans, or an undefined rash, followed by flu-like symptoms
I have received a prior diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia
I live in what is considered a Lyme-endemic area

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Abrupt awakenings accompanied by shortness of breath
Accelerated heart rate
Adrenal fatigue
Attention problems
Awakening with a dry mouth or sore throat
Blue-green stains in bathtub, toilet or sink
Breast cancer
Breast lumps
Brown spots or discoloring on upper lip or side of the face
Burning with bowel movements
Burning with urination (interstitial cystitis)
I regularly use copper tea kettles
Decreased urine output
Deficiencies in Vitamin A, D, E, K or Omega-3 FA
Dependency on one person
Difficulty staying asleep (insomnia)
Dislike protein
Dry mouth
Elevated anti-thyroglobulin antibodies
Elevated oxalates on lab test
Enlarged tonsils
Episodes of breathing cessation during sleep witnessed by another person
Excessive daytime sleepiness (hypersomnia)
Female gender
Few or no tears
Frequent diarrhea.
Frequent respiratory infections
Gallbladder pain (right side, under ribs)
Gallbladder removal
Gas and bloating
Greasy hair
Greasy/floating/light colored stools
Hair loss
Heart palpitations
High intake of avocados, nuts, seeds, chocolate and shellfish
Hormonal imbalances
I am prone to motion sickness
I have a poor appetite

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I have asthma
I have breast implants
I have cellulite
I have lived in a home with flooding
I prefer to skip breakfast
I'm an introvert
Increased thirst
I've become more of a loner as I've aged
Kidney stones
Large neck
Leaky Gut
Loud snoring
Low elastase
Mood swings
Morning headache
My family members have autoimmune disease
My health began to decline within a year of my breast implants
My home/work has discolored celeings/water damage
My sisters tend to look alike
My symptoms started after I moved into my home
Oil in bowel movement
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian cysts
Pain in the body
Pale skin
Poor sleep recall
Rapid heart rate
Reddish tint to natural hair
Scalloped tongue
Static shocks
Stuffy nose/sneezing
Swelling in face, mouth or throat
Tender breasts
Thyroid cancer
Thyroid nodules
Tired or sleepy
Urine is low volume and more yellowish than normal
Using oral contraceptives/estrogen dominance
Waking up frequently to urinate
Weight loss